Chana ruled stable despite subdued demand. In the spot market, chana (kanta) at the close of trading rose to Rs 5,000 a quintal on buying and following a buoyant futures market. Chana (desi) ruled at Rs 4,825-4,850 a quintal. Compared with last week, kanta is ruling Rs 100 lower in the physical market. With demand outstripping supplies, chana prices in the first week of August had zoomed to Rs 5,200 a quintal.

With decline in stock and fewer export deals in chana this year, stockists are reluctant to release stocks even as chana prices gain. Any major fall in chana from appears unlikely given the decline in stock and delay in crop which is five to six months away. Chana dal remained unchanged with chana dal (average) being quoted at Rs 6,075-6,100 a quintal, chana dal (medium) at Rs 6,175-6,200, while chana dal (bold) ruled at Rs 6,400-6,425 a quintal. Compared with last week, chana dal is ruling Rs 100 a quintal higher.

Dollar chana continued to ruled steady despite slack demand both in the domestic and export markets. In local mandis , dollar chana ruled at Rs 7,500-7,800 a quintal amid arrival of 500 bags. In container also, dollar chana fell with dollar 42/44 count being quoted at Rs 8,600, 44/46 count at Rs 8,500, 46/48 count at Rs 8,400, 58/60 count at Rs 7,600 and 60/62 count at Rs 7,400 a quintal.

Dollar chana may gain with rise in demand in the coming days, said trader Ankur Pandya.