Cotton traders expect prices of the fibre to rule around current levels on short supply.

On the back of weak export and limited demand from mills, cotton remained unchanged on Friday.

Gujarat Sankar-6 cotton was traded on Rs 37,000-37,500 for a candy of 356 kg. Kapas or raw cotton for Kadi delivery stood at Rs 965-990 a maund of 20 kg, while kapas at Rajkot APMC was quoted at Rs 910-960.

About 20,000 bales of 170 kg each arrived in Gujarat and 58,000-60,000 bales arrived across the country.

Cotton traded stable in North India on Friday on weak demand from local mills and limited arrivals.

Cotton ready delivery was at Rs 4,005-4,100 a quintal in Punjab, Rs 3,955-3,970 in Haryana and Rs 3,955-3,970 in Rajasthan.

Traders said that at this time export demand is almost nil while domestic mills buying are also slow; against it arrivals are also short so that market may not fall much in near future.

Meanwhile, in its forecast for the crop released on Thursday, ICAC said that with farmers continuing to switch from cotton to more profitable alternatives,

India's cotton crop in 2013-14 (cotton year) is likely to fall 170,000 tonnes at 5.7 million tonnes (33.5 million bales).