Spot rubber continued to explore further highs on Wednesday. The market opened steady but improved later on covering purchases reacting closely to the gains in global trendsetters. There were no enquiries from the tyre sector but traders seemed to be expecting their re-entry since international equivalents are ruling high and imports are more expensive now.

RSS-4 firmed up to ₹131 (130) per kg, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade improved to ₹127 (126) per kg, according to dealers. The trend continued to remain mixed as ISNR 20 finished flat and latex weakened on dull demand.

In futures, the September contract improved to ₹131.64 (128.50) per kg on the Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX). The contract was up by 2.44 per cent with a volume of 1 lot and total trade value of ₹1.32 lakh.

RSS-3 (spot) flared up to ₹137.40 (134.46) per kg at Bangkok. SMR 20 improved to ₹100.34 (100.03) but Latex 60% slid to ₹86.01 (86.37) per kg at Kuala Lumpur.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4:131 (130); RSS-5: 127 (125.50); ISNR-20: 108 (108) and Latex (60% drc): 76 (77).