Crude oil futures prices today fell 0.65 per cent to Rs 5,028 per barrel, as speculators trimmed positions amid a weakening trend in the Asian trade.

At the Multi Commodity Exchange, crude oil for delivery in March fell Rs 34 or 0.65 per cent to Rs 5,028 per barrel in 6,690 lots. Similarly, the oil for delivery in April moved down by Rs 31 or 0.61 per cent to Rs 5,079 per barrel in 1,523 lots.

Trading sentiment turned weak at the futures trade after crude oil prices declined in the Asian trade as an unprecedented levy on bank deposits in Cyprus threatens to plunge Europe back into crisis, and a US survey showed a dip in consumer confidence.

Meanwhile, crude oil for April delivery shed $1.18 to $92.27 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.