The introduction of lab-grown diamonds has generated a lot of discussion and misunderstanding. These diamonds have grown in favour as a sustainable and moral substitute for diamonds that are mined since they are grown under carefully monitored settings with cutting-edge technology methods.

Still, the public’s impression of lab-grown diamonds is sometimes distorted by several falsehoods. The purpose of this post is to dispel five common misconceptions about lab-grown diamonds.

Myth 1: Lab-grown diamonds are fake diamonds

The idea that lab-grown diamonds are “fake” or “artificial” diamonds is among the most widespread misconceptions. This is essentially false. The physical, chemical, and visual characteristics of lab-grown diamonds are identical to those of naturally occurring/ mined) diamonds.

The only distinction is how they are created. Lab-grown diamonds are produced using techniques like chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and high-pressure high temperature (HPHT) in a matter of weeks, whereas mined diamonds are developed over billions of years beneath the Earth’s crust.

Talking of examples, it is hard to differentiate between an IVF-born child and a naturally conceived child once they are born and as they grow up. It is impossible to distinguish and identify the procedure of their birth.

Similarly, it is impossible to differentiate between LGDs and natural diamonds even though there is a vast contrast between their manufacturing processes with the naked eye as both of these methods lead to the formation of beautiful and shimmering diamonds which look identical in terms of appearance.

The hardness, brilliance, refractive index and durability and fire of lab-grown diamonds are identical to those of their mined counterparts. Reputable organisations such as the International Gemological Institute (IGI) grade them according to the same standards, known as the Four Cs: carat, cut, colour, and clarity.

Because of this, labelling lab-grown diamonds as “fake” or “artificial” is inaccurate and devalues the true quality and value they provide.

Myth 2: Identification of lab-grown and mined diamonds can be done just by looking at them

Another widespread misperception is that lab-grown and mined diamonds may be easily identified with the unaided eye. This is untrue. Without specific equipment, it is impossible to discern between the two kinds of diamonds.

Just by looking at them, even seasoned gemologists are unable to distinguish between a diamond that has been mined and one that has been created in a lab. Even with the help of 10x magnification glasses, it is impossible to distinguish the difference between the two.

Only specialised machinery can also detect very small differences in their structure and hence only they can be used to tell the difference.

Myth 3: Lab-grown diamonds are not environmentally friendly

The environmental impact of lab-grown diamonds is a huge myth. Environmentally unfavourable, according to critics, are the energy-intensive methods involved in the production of these diamonds.

Although it is true that producing lab-grown diamonds uses a lot of power, the environmental impact of these stones is typically lower than that of mined diamonds.

Diamond mining is an intensive process involving significant land disruption, blasting, water usage, and carbon emissions. It leads to deforestation, soil erosion, and loss of biodiversity. In contrast, lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled environments, which can be powered by renewable energy sources, thereby reducing their carbon footprint.

Lab-grown diamonds can be five times less impactful on the environment than mined diamonds. Companies in the lab-grown diamond industry are increasingly adopting sustainable practices, such as using recycled materials and renewable energy, to further mitigate their environmental impact.

Therefore, when considering the full lifecycle and potential for sustainable production, lab-grown diamonds can indeed be a more environmentally friendly choice.

Myth 4: Lab-grown diamonds should not be costly

Another misconception is the idea that lab-grown diamonds should be far less expensive than diamonds that are mined. Although lab-grown diamonds are frequently less expensive than natural diamonds, this does not mean they should be “cheap.”

The price of lab-grown diamonds is proportionate with the advanced technology and exacting conditions needed to create stones of superior quality.

Similar characteristics that determine the price of mined diamonds also affect lab-grown diamonds: carat, cut, colour, and clarity. The process of producing lab-grown diamonds requires specialized labour similar to that of workers who polish and cut natural diamonds.

Since these expenses are included in the total cost, lab-grown diamonds are priced competitively and yet have a cost advantage over diamonds that are mined.

Additionally, consumers can buy larger or better-quality diamonds within their budgets thanks to the price difference between lab-grown and mined diamonds, which improves the value proposition of lab-grown diamonds. The pricing is a reflection of the efficiency and advances in diamond synthesis technology rather than a sign of lower quality.

Myth 5: Lab-grown diamonds can break easily

Another common myth is that lab grown diamonds are more prone to breaking compared to mined diamonds. This is not true. Lab grown diamonds have the same physical properties as natural diamonds, including their renowned hardness and durability

Diamonds, whether lab grown or mined, are the hardest known natural material. This means they are highly resistant to scratching and can only be scratched by another diamond. The toughness and structural integrity of lab grown diamonds are equivalent to those of mined diamonds.

However, the real myth is that natural diamonds are rare and lab-grown diamonds are not. Since 1930, the production of natural diamonds has increased by more than 120 times, as per the latest production reports of 2022.

The scarcity of natural diamonds is merely used as a marketing tool to increase their prices and control supply. Lab-grown diamonds, on the other hand, are fully transparent and traceable and hence, increase customer confidence and trust.

In conclusion, lab-grown diamonds are an exciting and novel advancement in the gemstone business, providing superior, ethical, and ecological substitutes for diamonds that are mined. Consumers can make more educated judgements if misconceptions regarding their authenticity, visibility variations, cost, and environmental impact are dispelled.

Genuine lab-grown diamonds can be generated with less of an impact on the environment and are nearly undetectable from diamonds that are mined. Even if they could be less expensive, they nevertheless showcase notable technological breakthroughs and excellence.

Recognising these facts might help people see lab-grown diamonds more intelligently and with appreciation, especially as the market for these amazing stones grows.

 The author is Founder of Ashth by ConsciousCarats Private Limited.