The United Planters’ Association of Southern India has said that although coffee consumption in India has started showing increase in the last five years, the Centre should earmark enough funds for generic promotion of coffee consumption for its sustenance and improvement.

UPASI said one of the main reasons for slow growth rate was a cumbersome process of making a good cup of coffee.

In its 12th Plan proposal to the government, it urged extension of subsidy for coffee filters, home expresso machines, roasters and grinders, to help make coffee easier, increasing coffee consumption.

It requested the government to implement recommendations of an inter-ministerial committee long back, to share the social cost incurred by the Plantation Industry, by allocating necessary funds to reimburse 50 per cent of the social cost.

Expressing apprehension over rapid pace of Arabica being converted to Robusta, UPASI suggested that the government help undertake a focused research to control white stem borer, the main reason for the shift.

UPASI also suggested a five per cent interest subsidy scheme on crop loan in the 12th plan, making available to all coffee growers, without any distinction on size of holding or by class of ownership.