Amidst subdued demand and buying support from the millers, chana in Indore mandis has been ruling stable with chana (kanta) being quoted at ₹4,200-4,225 a quintal.

Chana dal also ruled flat on weak demand with chana dal (average) at ₹4,900-5,000, chana dal (medium) at ₹5,200-5,300, while chana dal (bold) ruled at ₹5,600-5,700 a quintal, respectively.

Dollar chana, on the other hand, edged higher to ₹5,400-5,800 a quintal on improved buying. In container, dollar chana traded higher on improved export demand with the 42/44 count being quoted at ₹6,500 a quintal,44/46 count at ₹6,300, while 58/60 count fetched ₹5,350 a quintal, respectively. Arrivals of dollar chana at the mandis in Indore today stood at 2,000 bags.