Cane farmers are unhappy with the Centre’s decision to allow duty-free imports of 5 lakh tonne of sugar in the ongoing season, and many want it withdrawn.

The Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) has demanded that the Centre revoke its decision, saying that as there is no shortage in the country, the move to import could cause more distress to cane growers.

In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BKU national spokesperson Rakesh Tikait said the sugar production season is not yet over and actual output could be higher than the initial estimates of around 22.5 million tonnes (mt).

“The previous government’s decision to import sugar in large quantities had led to prices crashing in the domestic market. This had affected the ability of local millers to make payments to cane farmers on time, leading to distress and increase in the number of farmer suicides,” the letter said.

Production in sugar year 2015-16 was 23.4 mt and the year before there was a bumper production of 25.1 mt. “Going by the sowing figures for sugarcane, in the next season, production is likely to be 25.5 mt.

The 4 mt of sugar imported earlier is also now available in the market for consumption. There is no shortage of sugar in the country whatsoever,” the letter added.

Announcing the import decision yesterday, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan had said it was taken to address regional production gaps and also to maintain domestic prices at reasonable levels.