With rupee tumbling to a record low against dollar, prices of almost all the pulse seeds in Indore mandis hit the roof. This is because imported pulses have become costlier due to the weakening Indian currency.

Though mandis in Madhya Pradesh and Indore remained closed on Wednesday on account of ‘Raksha Bandhan’, in private trading, chana, masoor and urad ruled higher with further fall in rupee against dollar.

Amid higher demand and weak arrivals, urad prices in Indore have gone up by Rs 650 a quintal in the past fortnight.

Fresh spell of rains have threatened the prospects of the urad crop. Fear of damage to crop and rise in dollar have made stockists go on buying spree, leading to sharp rise in its prices, said a trader.

Rise in urad also lifted its dal with urad dal (medium) being quoted at Rs 4,400-4,500 a quintal (up Rs 100 from last week), urad dal (bold) Rs 4,800-4,900, while urad mongar Rs 6,200-6,300 (up Rs 200 from last week).

Similarly, higher demand and buying support from the millers have also lifted tur and its dal with tur (Mahrashtra) in Indore currently being quoted at Rs 4,500-4,525 (up Rs 200 from last week).

Similarly, tur (Madhya Pradesh) has also risen to Rs 3,900-4,100 (up Rs 200 from last week).

Rise in tur also lifted its dal with tur dal (full) in Indore ruling at Rs 6,400 (up Rs 100), tur dal (sawa no.) at Rs 5,800-6,000, while tur marka ruled at Rs 6,800.

Moong has also been witnessing an uptrend with moong (best quality) currently quoted at Rs 5,500-5,700, while moong (medium) at Rs 4,500-4,800.

With rise in buying support and demand, moong prices in Indore have gone up by Rs 400. Uptrend continued in chana with prices in Indore in private trading on Wednesday being quoted at Rs 3,250-75 (up Rs 100-125).