The Union Commerce Ministry has constituted an expert committee to formulate a national rubber policy and to examine the issues relating to production, development and exports of rubber and related products.

The committee chaired by Additional Secretary (Plantations), Department of Commerce, will make recommendations for a broad-based policy relating to all types of rubber like synthetic, reclaimed rubber etc. It will submit its report, including the draft of the National Rubber Policy, within six months, a notification issued in this regard said.

The terms of reference for the committee are comprehensive and include a review of growth and the current status of rubber sector, demand and supply of different rubbers, opportunities and challenges, stakeholders’ concerns and suggest a policy framework for promoting rubber plantations.

It is pointed out in the notification that the rubber consuming industries have expressed concern over decline in productivity and availability of various forms of rubber for use of the industry. The growers were also agitated over the issue of increased risk of production due to climate factors and adverse price movements caused by imports.

Welcoming the move, Raghupati Singhania, Vice-Chairman, Automotive Tyre Manufacturers’ Association (ATMA), expressed the hope that the policy would address the issues of all stakeholders to meet the objectives of growth and employment through manufacturing excellence.

Niraj Thakkar, President, All India Rubber Industries Association (AIRIA), said that the national rubber policy with the interests of all stakeholders in its ambit will be the single most decisive factor for igniting the growth of rubber sector. The sector has immense potential for growth.