Rally in tur and other pulse seeds continuing for the past few days has ended with imposition of stock limit on pulse seeds by the State government with tur (Maharashtra) in local mandis declining to ₹11,500-12,000 a quintal (down ₹500 from last week). Similarly, tur (Madhya Pradesh) declined to ₹10,000 (down ₹1,000). Tur dal (bold) was at ₹16,700-17,000 (₹18,500), tur dal (sawa no.) declined to ₹16,400-500 (₹17,500 last week), while tur marka was quoted at ₹17,200-18,100 (18,500-19,000 last week). Moong and its dal traded low with moong (bold) declined to ₹8,000-8,200 (down ₹600 from last week), moong (medium) at ₹ 7,500-7,600 (down ₹400 from last week).