A mixed trend persisted for almost all varieties of tea at the Kochi tea auction last week. The demand was good for CTC grades in the dust category and the quantity on offer was 10,05,000 kg.

Select best teas were barely steady. Others were irregular and lower by Rs 2 to Rs 3 and sometimes more in the absence of one of the leading exporters.

In the Orthodox Dust category, the quantity on offer was 10,000 kg. Primary grades barely remained steady and others were irregular and lower.

In the best CTC dusts, PD varieties quoted at Rs 98/105, RD grades ruled at Rs 99/106, SRD at Rs 103/108 and SFD at Rs 101/115.

Orthodox leaf sales witnessed good demand and the quantity on offer was 127,500 kg. Select best Highgrowns were fully firm to sometimes dearer. Others were irregular and lower. Medium bolder brokens and the tippy grades were irregular and tended to ease.

Medium whole leaf was firm to sometimes dearer, while medium Fannings barely remained steady. Secondary brokens declined in value.

CTC leaf saw lower demand and the quantity on offer was 93,000 kg. The market was lower by Rs 3 to Rs 5 and sometimes more. It also witnessed heavy withdrawals.

In the dust category, Injipara (Prm) RD quoted the best price of Rs 134 followed by Injipara (Prm) SRD at Rs 133. In the leaf grades, Pascos Hyson Green Tea quoted the best price of Rs 288 followed by Chamraj FPS Rs 220.