Tea prices were mixed at the auctions here last week. The quantity on offer in the CTC dust category was 12,30,500 kg.

There was a fair demand in CTC dust category and the market opened Rs 2-4 lower.

Prices dropped further as the sale progressed. There were some withdrawals, too.

In the orthodox dust category, 19,000 kg were on offer. Primary varieties remained steady.

Others were irregular and saw some withdrawals. Bulk of the offerings was absorbed by exporters.

In the best CTC dusts, PD varieties quoted the best prices of Rs 90-105, RD category was Rs 95-106, SRD ruled at Rs 100-108, and SFD at Rs 100-112.

The leaf varieties at the auction witnessed good demand and the quantity on offer in orthodox varieties was 1,21,500 kg.

High-grown and medium bolder brokens, and whole leaf smaller brokens were irregular and lower by Rs 5-10.

However, some well-made selected invoices sold around previous levels. High-grown as well as medium Fannings were fully firm to dearer.

The quantity on offer in CTC leaf varieties was 91,000 kg.

Bids for good liquoring teas were higher by Rs 3-5. Others were fully firm to dearer.

In the CTC dust category, Injipara (Prm) SFD quoted the best price of Rs 155, followed by Injipara (Prm) SRD at Rs 150.

In the leaf varieties, Pascos Hyson Green Tea quoted the best price of Rs 310 followed by Chamraj FOP – Green at Rs 286.