Mixed trend in rubber

Updated - November 16, 2020 at 07:55 PM.

Spot rubber closed firm on Monday. The commodity regained strength mainly on covering purchases at lower levels tracking the moderate gains in overseas markets. “We expect the tyre makers to re-enter the market with enhanced quotes within a couple of days,” traders said. The undercurrent was bullish.

RSS-4 improved to ₹157 (156) per kg both at Kottayam and Kochi, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade firmed up to ₹153 (152) as per dealers. The trend continued to remain partially mixed.

Natural rubber futures ended in green in day time trading on Shanghai Futures Exchange (ShFE). The front month November delivery was up by 180 Yuan (₹2035.22) to close at 134,35 Yuan (₹151,906.35) a tonne.

RSS-3 (spot) improved to ₹174.90 (172.44) per kg at Bangkok. SMR 20 firmed up to ₹118.50 (116.73) and Latex to ₹108.82 (108.59) per kg at Kuala Lumpur.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4:157 (156); RSS-5: 149 (147); ISNR 20: 123 (121) and Latex (60% drc): 106 (106).

Apiary course

Rubber growers can contact Rubber Board Call Centre to know about the practices to be adopted for beekeeping in rubber plantations. According to a press release issued by the Board, Biju Joseph, apiculturist and trainer in the bee-keeping training course being conducted by Rubber Training Institute, will answer the questions on the subject on November 18, from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.

The call centre service of the Board is available from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm on all working days. Information about the services of the Board and technical advices regarding the cultivation, production, processing, etc can be sought regularly from this Centre which is functioning at Rubber Board Head Office, Kottayam. The Call Centre Number is 0481 - 2576622.

Published on November 16, 2020 14:25