Physical rubber prices were mixed on Friday. RSS 4 stretched early gains on covering purchases at lower levels. Meanwhile, latex lost further on dull demand.

Sheet rubber firmed up to ₹146 (₹145.50) a kg, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade improved to ₹143 (₹142.50) as reported by the dealers. July futures inched up to ₹146.65 (₹146.26), August to ₹145.55 (₹145.36), September to ₹144.48 (₹143.74) and October to ₹142.40 (₹141.92) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange. RSS 3 (spot) closed marginally higher at ₹127.99 (₹127.93) at Bangkok. June futures closed at slipped to ¥200.4 (₹118.16) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 146 (145.50); RSS-5: 141 (141); Ungraded: 137 (137) ISNR 20: 132 (132) and Latex 60%: 122 (123).