The spot pepper prices continued to maintain its firmer trend while the futures ruled steady. . Sellers were quoting ₹715 a kg for high range pepper while those in Kerala's Wayanad district were at ₹710 a kg. The buyers were at ₹710 and ₹705 a kg respectively. Only three tonnes of high range pepper were traded at ₹710 a kg. Spot prices moved up by ₹100 a quintal to close at ₹69,400 (ungarbled) and ₹72,400 (garbled) a quintal. July, August and September contracts remained unchanged at ₹72,000, ₹71,000 and ₹69,000 a quintal on the IPSTA. Indian export prices rose to $11,000 a tonne c&f Europe and $11,250 a tonne c&f for US.