Both soyabean and soya oil ruled flat on lack of buying support and weak global cues.

Soya refined on Monday ruled at Rs 685-95 for 10 kg, while soya solvent ruled at Rs 652-657.

Soya oil futuresruled marginally higher despite weak global cues with its May and June contracts on the NCDEX closing at Rs 727 for 10 kg (up Re 1.5) and Rs 700 (up Re 1.10) respectively.

Soyabean also ruled firm at Rs 3,850-3,950 a quintal amid subdued demand. Plant deliveries in soyabean also ruled steady at Rs 3,975-4,000 a quintal on comparatively slack demand from the crushers. Arrival of soyabean in State mandis continues to be on the lower side with 40,000 bags being offloaded in local mandis on Monday.

Notwithstanding weak global cues, soyabean prices in the futures market were mixed with soyabeans May and June contracts on the NCDEX at Rs 4,030 (down Rs 10.50) and Rs 3,920 a quintal (up Rs 23.50).

Soyameal in the domestic market was steady at Rs 35,000 a quintal on weak domestic demand, while demand in the export market continues to be poor.