Oil prices extended losses in Asian trade today as investors took profits after a recent rally.

Prices had surged after the US Federal Reserve decided to continue with its $85-billion-a-month bond-buying programme to support the US economic growth, confounding market expectations that it will announce a scaling down of the scheme.

New York’s main contract, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude for October delivery, fell 33 cents to $106.06 a barrel in morning trade after sinking $1.68 at the close in New York yesterday.

The European benchmark, Brent North Sea crude for delivery in November, dipped 15 cents to $108.61 after declining $1.84 in London the day before.

Research house Capital Economics said that the US central bank’s policy setting Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) “looks as if it may now proceed even more cautiously than we had assumed’’.

“It seems likely that it will wait until its meeting in December at the earliest before announcing any tapering,” it said in a note.

Other analysts said the resumption of production in Libyan oil fields and the easing of tensions in West Asia after Syria agreed to a plan to put its chemical weapons arsenal under international control helped ease the prices.

“Libya’s El Feel and Sharara oil fields have reopened and will boost production levels, according to the oil ministry,” Malaysian bank CIMB said in a note.

It said “Libya’s production will rise to 700,000 to 800,000 barrels per day” following the reopening.

Protests by oil field and export terminal workers since July had crippled Libyan production.

Syria’s decision to agree to a US-Russian deal on its chemical arms averted a Western military strike on the Assad regime to punish it for using the internationally banned weapons on its own people.