Barring moong, the majority of pulse seeds at Indore mandis ruled stable on subdued demand. Moong and its dal traded higher on weak availability with moong (bold) today rising to ₹7,000-7,300 a quintal, while moong (medium) ruled at ₹6,300-6,800. Compared to last week moong is ruling ₹300 a quintal lower.

The rise in moong also lifted its dal with moong dal (medium) today being quoted at ₹8,300-8,400 a quintal, moong dal (bold) at ₹8,500-8,600, while moong mongar ruled at ₹8,700-8,800 a quintal (up ₹200 from last week).

Urad ruled stable with urad (bold) today being quoted at ₹8,000-8,100, while urad (medium) ruled at ₹5,500-6,500 a quintal. Compared to last week, urad is ruling ₹100 a quintal lower. Urad dal also traded low on weak demand with urad dal (medium) being quoted at ₹8,400-8,500 a quintal, and urad dal (bold) at ₹8,700-8,800, while urad mongar ruled at ₹10,1002-10,200 a quintal.

Tur ruled stable on subdued demand with tur (Maharashtra) quoted at ₹5,400 a quintal, while tur (Madhya Pradesh) ruled at ₹4,700-5,100. Tur dal (sawa no.) today quoted at ₹6,800-6,900, while tur dal (full) ruled at ₹7,200-7,300, and tur marka ruled at ₹7,900-8,200 a quintal.