Barring moong, majority of pulse seeds and pulses in Indore mandis ruled stable on sluggish demand and decline in buying support at higher rate with tur (Maharashtra) remaining stable at ₹9,100, while tur (Madhya Pradesh) quoted at ₹8,100-8,200 a quintal.

Given adequate availability of imported stock, rally in tur appears unlikely in the coming days. Tur dal (sawa no.) at ₹12,300-600, tur dal (full) at ₹12,800-13,700 a quintal. Moong (bold) declined by ₹100 to ₹5,600-5,900; moong (medium) remained stable at ₹5,200.

Moong dal (medium) went for ₹6,700-6,900, moong dal (bold) at ₹7,300-7,700, while moong mongar was at ₹6,900-7,200 a quintal respectively.