Spot rubber finished weak as the market continued to remain under pressure tracking the meltdown in global trendsetters and the absence of domestic buyers. RSS 4 declined to ₹129 (₹130) a kg, according to traders.

The grade slid to ₹130 (₹131) and ₹127 (₹128) respectively, according to the Rubber Board and the dealers. September futures improved to ₹126.85 (₹122.72), October to ₹120.10 (₹116.80), November to ₹117.45 (₹115.57), December to ₹117.99 (₹114.64), January to ₹116.49 (₹115.37) and February to ₹118.94 (₹115.79) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.RSS 3 (spot) dropped to ₹106.86 (₹107.72) at Bangkok.

September futures declined to ¥153.9 (₹102.76) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 129 (130); RSS-5: 122 (123); Ungraded: 105 (105); ISNR 20: 106 (107) and Latex (60% drc): 75 (76).