Amid sluggish demand in pulses and pulse seeds, the downtrend continued in tur and its dal following decline in demand and buying support in tur (Maharashtra).

On the back of slack demand and weak buying support from millers, tur (Maharashtra) prices in the past one week have declined by almost Rs 200 a quintal. On Wednesday, tur (Maharashtra) in Indore mandis further declined to Rs 3,950-4,000 a quintal (Rs 4,050-4,100), while tur (Madhya Pradesh) remained steady at Rs 3,200-3,400.

Tur dal (full) in local mandis was quoted at Rs 5,800-5,900, while tur dal (sawa no.) ruled at Rs 5,400-5,500 and tur dal marka at Rs 6,600-6,700.

Bearish sentiment also prevailed in moong and urad. Moong (best quality) ruled firm at Rs 5,200-5,300, while moong (medium) ruled at Rs 4,800. Moong dal also ruled steady with moong dal (medium) being quoted at Rs 6,500-6,600, moong dal (best) at Rs 7,100-7,200, while moong mongar ruled at Rs 7,200-7,300.

Urad and its dal also ruled flat on subdued demand with urad (best quality) being quoted at Rs 3,400-3,450, while urad (medium) ruled at Rs 3,000-3,100. Urad dal (medium) in local mandis was at Rs 4,100-4,200 , urad dal (bold) at Rs 4,700-4,800, while urad mongar ruled at Rs 5,700-6,000 a quintal.