Spice Board on Monday said that the export of spices from India during 2010—11 has registered an—all—time—high both in quantity and value, surpassing the export target of 465,000 tonnes valued Rs 5,100 crore for the financial year 2010—11.

During 2010—11, a total of 525,750 tonnes of spices and spice products valued at Rs 6,840.71 crore ($1,502.85 million) were exported, as against 502,750 tonnes valued at Rs 5,560.50 crore ($1,173.75 million) in 2009—10, Spices Board Chairman V J Kurian told reporters.

This is an increase of five percent in volume and 23 percent in rupee terms of value. In dollar terms the increase was 28 per cent, he said.

The Board aims to increase the spices export to 3 billion by 2017 and 10 billion by 2025, Kurian added.

He informed that during 2010—11, the export of chilli, ginger, fennel, garlic and other spices including asafoetida and tamarind has increased both in volume and value as compared to 2009—10.

Additionally, the export of value added products including spice oils and oleoresin and curry power/paste has increased both in volume and value as compared to 2009—10.

However, in the case of pepper, cardamom (large), turmeric, nutmeg and mace and mint products the increase is in terms of value only, he said.

Other spices like cardamom (small), coriander, cumin, celergy, fenugreek and other seeds have decreased both in terms of volume and value as compared to previous year.

During 2010—11, a total quantity of 18,850 tonnes of pepper valued at Rs 383.19 crore was exported as against 19,750 tonnes valued at Rs 313.93 crore last year, registering an increase of 22 per cent in value.

The unit value of pepper has increased from Rs 158.95 per kg in 2009—10 to Rs 203.82 per kg 2010—11, he said.

A total quantity of 1,175 tonnes of cardamom (small) valued at Rs 132.16 crore, was exported in 2010—11, as against 1,975 tonnes valued at Rs 165.70 crore last year.

The unit value of cardamom (small) increased from Rs 839 per kg in 2009—10 to Rs 1,124.79 per kg in 2010—11.

During the said financial year chilli export from India registered an all time high in both volume and value with exports of 2,40,000 tonnes of chilli valued at Rs 1,535.54 crore as against 2,04,000 tonnes valued at Rs 1,291.73 crore last year, registering an increase of 18 per cent in quantity and 19 percent in value, he said.