Spot rubber closed unchanged on Tuesday. It was difficult to find out a genuine buyer at the quoted levels even during late trading hours. "There were no enquiries from major consuming industries as expected," a trader said. Volumes were extremely poor.

RSS 4 was quoted at ₹130 a kg by the Rubber Board. The grade was flat at ₹128.50, as reported by dealers.

January futures for RSS 4 slipped to ₹125.25 (₹125.71), February to ₹125.55 (₹125.88) and March to ₹125.63 (₹125.79) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 (spot) firmed up to ₹108.71 (₹108.27) at Bangkok. January futures closed at ¥197 (₹104.29) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange. Spot rubber rates (₹/ kg) were: RSS-4: 130 (130); RSS-5: 122 (122); Ungraded: 112 (112); ISNR 20: 111.50 (111.50) and Latex (60% DRC): 88.75 (88.75).