Almost all varieties of tea on offer at the the Kochi tea auction were in demand. The quantity for sale in the dust CTC grade was 13,82,000 kg.

The market was irregularly lower by Rs 2-5 and sometimes more following quality. AVT continued to be active in buying along with Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation and Tata Global on liquoring teas.

Kerala Loose Tea Traders and upcountry buyers lent fair support, while Hindustan Unilever was selective. Exporters confined to medium and plainer grainer varieties, a statement issued by auctioneers Forbes, Ewart and Figgis (P) Ltd said.

In the orthodox dust category, the quantity on offer was 20,000 kg. Primary grades were lower by Rs 3-5. Secondaries were lower by longer margins with many withdrawals. Bulk of the offer was absorbed by exporters.

The best CTC dusts in PD varieties were quoted at Rs 90/102, while RD varieties stood at Rs 85/99. SRD varieties ruled at Rs 90/105 and SFD at Rs 93/108.

In the CTC leaf category, the quantity on offer was 259,000 kg. All varieties of “best Nilgiri barely” remained steady to sometimes dearer, following quality. Others were irregular and lower. Medium bolder brokens remained steady to firm while whole leaf grades registered strong feature and appreciated in value.

TGBOP/GBOP was lower with many withdrawals, while medium Fannings barely remained steady and tended to ease.

Unilever and exporters to CIS were active, while Tunisian A/C was fair and confined to medium and plainer teas. Fannings were absorbed by Tea bag A/C and other exporters.

The quantity on offer in the CTC leaf was 69,000 kg. Good liquoring varieties remained steady, while others were lower by Rs 2-5. The buying pattern of exporters and upcountry buyers was fair, while AVT and Hindustan Unilever were selective.

In the dust category, Injipara (Prm) RD quoted the best prices of Rs 137 followed by both Injipara (Prm) SRD and SFD at Rs 135 each. In the leaf varieties, Pascoe’s Woodlands Green Tea ruled at Rs 255 followed by Havukal BOPF (S) at Rs 211.