Spot rubber turned weak as the market remained under pressure tracking the declines in global trendsetters on Friday. RSS 4 dropped to ₹159 (160) per kg, according to traders and the Rubber Board.

The grade weakened to ₹156 (157) as quoted by the dealers. The trend was mixed.

February futures slid to ₹155.70 (157.24), March to ₹162.70 (164.41), April to ₹169.60 (171.27) and May to ₹174.70 (175.49) per kg on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 (spot) dropped to ₹189.70 (192.49) a kg at Bangkok. February futures declined to ¥ 320(₹190.40) from ¥ 332 (₹197.54) a kg on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 159 (160); RSS-5: 150 (150); Ungraded: 130 (130); ISNR 20: 148 (149) and

Latex (60% drc): 101.50 (101.50).