Fund mobilisation by listed companies through private placement of debt securities declined sharply by 43.6 per cent to Rs 23,574 crore in April over the same month last year.

According to SEBI data, the companies had raised Rs 41,812 crore through private placement of debt securities in April 2013-14.

The total amount garnered in April is also 29 per cent lower compared to the funds mobilised in the preceding month (Rs 33,263 crore).

The number of issues, however, rose to 300 during the month compared with 206 issues in the same period a year ago. It was also more than the issues in March 2014.

In debt private placements, firms issue debt securities or bonds to institutional investors to raise capital.

Fund raising through private placement has been lately subdued owing to a good performance of the equities in the stock market.

Of the total funds raised in April, Rs 10,651.75 crore was mobilised through issues only on the BSE, Rs 9,122.80 crore was raised by companies listed only on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Rs 3,800 crore was from those listed on both the NSE and the BSE.