Gold on Wednesday fell for the third day to the lowest price in almost six weeks on speculation that the US Federal Reserve will slow stimulus.

Silver reached a one-month low and platinum reached the lowest in two months.

Gold fell 0.6 per cent to $1,302.16, after falling as 1.4 per cent. Silver also lost 0.4 per cent to $21.65 an ounce, after reaching $21.35 an ounce, the lowest since August 14.

The dollar was near the lowest level since August versus the euro before the US central bank concludes a two-day meeting today when policy makers will decide whether to slow its 85 billion dollar of monthly asset purchases.

Gold reached $1,292.02 an ounce today, the lowest since August 8. It fell 22 per cent this year as some investors lost faith in the metal as a store of value and on speculation the Fed will curb stimulus.