India Inc raised just Rs 19 crore through public and rights issue of shares in July this year - the lowest mop-up in the last six months.

Indian companies, in July, raised Rs 9.2 crore through two initial public offerings (IPOs) and Rs 9.4 crore via one rights issue, according to the Sebi data.

In a rights issue, shares are issued to existing investors as per their holding at pre—determined price and ratio.

According to an analysis of fund raising data of the last six months, the amount raised through public offers and rights issue in July is the lowest in the period.

India Inc raised Rs 63 crore in June through public offers and rights issue.

“Amount raised through IPOs during July 2012 includes two IPO worth Rs 9.15 crore listed on SME platform,” Sebi said.

However, the regulator did not divulge the names of the companies which had raised funds.

In June, two companies had raised a total of Rs 63 crore from share sale programme that also includes one IPO worth Rs 8 crore listed on SME platform.

Sebi said that amount raised in the primary market through public and rights issues during the month decreased by over 70 per cent from Rs 63 crore in June 2012 to around Rs 19 crore in July 2012.