India Inc had raised more than Rs 49,000 crore through private placement of corporate bonds in July, taking the total to Rs 2.2 lakh crore in the first four months of the ongoing financial year.

The funds have been raised mainly for expansion of business plans, repayment of debt and to support working capital requirements.

According to the data available with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), companies had garnered Rs 49,033 crore in July this year compared with Rs 36,774 crore raised in the year-ago period.

Market analysts say fund raising through private debt placement — where firms issue debt securities or bonds to institutional investors to raise capital — is higher compared to the year-ago level.

Individually, firms had collected Rs 63,819 crore in April, Rs 33,389 crore in May and another Rs 75,337 crore in June.

With the latest mobilisation, the total fund raising through private placement of debt securities reached Rs 2.21 lakh crore in the current financial year (April-July). In the entire past fiscal, capital raked in through the route stood at Rs 6.4 lakh crore.