The Forward Markets Commission has appointed four independent directors on the MCX board. G. Anantharaman, former member of the Securities and Exchange Board of India will soon join the MCX board along with Pravir Vohra, former chief technology officer of ICICI Bank.

The Commission has also appointed Shivendra Tomar, Chief Credit Officer of IFCI, and P. Paramasivam, General Manager of Corporation Bank on the MCX board as independent directors.

Anantharaman brings with him rich experience in the areas of legal and market surveillance, which he dealt with in SEBI. He has also dealt with sensitive investigations during his earlier role as Director General of Income Tax.

Vohra has rich experience in information technology strategy and enterprise architecture. The Commission is keen to ring fence MCX from the Rs 5,600-crore settlement crisis at NSEL, a group company of MCX.

Other members on the MCX board include four FMC nominees R.M. Premkumar, Ravi Kamal Bhargava, Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra, Santosh Kumar Mohanty. Other directors include P. Satish — Independent Director, NABARD Nominee, Jignesh P. Shah — Non-Executive Vice-Chairman, Paras Ajmera — Non-Executive Director, FTIL Nominee and Shreekant Javalgekar — Managing Director & CEO.
