The Economic Offences Wing of the Mumbai Police has attached 156 properties of the accused in the National Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL) scam. It has also decided to appoint valuers, who will value the properties and give their report in a month’s time.

Chief of the Economic Offences Wing Rajvardhan, addressing the media, said that the properties of Jignesh Shah, Chairman and Managing Director of Financial Technologies, and Joseph Massey, former Chief Executive Officer of MCX Stock Exchange Ltd, and all directors of NSEL would be attached in a day or two, he said.

Rajvardhan said that in order to strengthen the case the EOW has also decided to approach three eminent public prosecutors. It is also preparing to file the first chargesheet in the case.

He added EOW has not found any evidence to establish that NSEL investors’ money has been routed to Financial Technologies or its group companies.

He also confirmed that both Shah and Massey had visited the EOW headquarters on Tuesday and discussed issues relating to the ongoing settlement process in the NSEL case.
