Futures contract on the NSE benchmark index Nifty today witnessed a sudden spike with the trade taking place about 100 points above the prevailing level.

According to traders, the trade got executed at 5,996 points for October delivery contract of Nifty futures against the prevailing level of 5,900 points.

The reason for the spike could not be immediately ascertained and it was also not clear whether the trade has sought to be annulled.

Sources said that the trade would be declared a freak one or erroneous if it is annulled.

Nifty futures contract touched a high of 5,996 points during the trading session on the National Stock Exchange.

Currently, Nifty futures are trading at 5,937.95 points in the afternoon trade on the NSE, up 109 points or 1.87 per cent, from the previous close.