Bharti Airtel sped up 3.35 per cent to lead the pack on the BSE on Friday morning. At 10.50 am the share was trading at Rs 414.75 as against Rs 401.30 at close yesterday. Vodafone yesterday announced that it had sold its 4.2 per cent stake in the company for $200 million.

Coal India gained 2.35 per cent to trade at Rs 392.10 as against Rs 383.10 at close on Thursday.

Cipla perked up 2 per cent to trade at Rs 656.25 as against Rs 643.40 overnight.

Maruti Suzuki rolled up 1.65 per cent to quote at Rs 3,762.95 as against Rs 3,701.70 at close last evening.

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries rose 1.61 per cent at Rs 971.15 as against Rs 955.75 at close yesterday.