Motilal Oswal Financial Services through its subsidiary TM Investment Technologies has launched TejiMandi, a stock market investment service for retail investors.

With a minimum investment advice starts at ₹20,000, the product makes equity advisory significantly more accessible compared to PMS products where the minimum ticket size is ₹50 lakh. Subscription plans to the application start at ₹149 a month and provide investors access to an actively managed investment advisory with portfolio of 15-20 stocks at a one click buy, sell and rebalance facility.

The stocks are recommended based on the investor’s risk profile. The investment strategy combines tactical bets with long-term winners. Tactical bets include special company situations from a 3-6 month perspective, while long-term winners looks at stocks from a 12-18 month perspective.

The investment advisory will be led by Chief Investment Officer Vaibhav Agrawal besides Raamdeo Agrawal and Ajay Menon as directors on board.

TejiMandi, which will offer an all-weather actively managed investment model, will be broker agnostic facility. Users can transact using their existing demat account or get assistance in opening a new one.

The team also advises investors to park their money in liquid instruments like index funds and ETFs when the market crashes or is extremely volatile to help them in mitigating risk.

The app is available to download on Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Vaibhav Agrawal said unlike a PMS, where the minimum ticket size starts at ₹50 lakh and pricing is dependent on AUM, TejiMandi has a flat subscription model and no commissions on the investment amount.