Market regulators from Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and India met in Bangkok between November 28 and 30 to share their experience in regulating algorithmic/ high frequency trading. The discussion emphasised the challenges of also and HFT, commonly faced and the potential solutions.

This was part of the Asia Pacific Regional Committee meeting of the International Organisation of Securities Commission (IOSCO), chaired by U.K. Sinha, Chairman, SEBI (on November 29).

IOSCO is the international policy forum for securities regulators worldwide.

Speaking on information sharing on enforcement related issues to avoid regulatory arbitrage, Sinha said, “Effective enforcement is one of the most important parameters for judging the efficacy of securities regulators. We would need to continue our efforts to further strengthen the existing mechanism for enforcement-related cooperation both at the regional and at the global level.”

A round-table discussed identifying and addressing emerging risks.