Sahara chief Subrata Roy, who was questioned by market regulator on Wednesday, has said that despite the recent happenings, future of his group will be bright.


You mentioned that you took approval from the regulator concerned for the OFCD scheme. Don’t you think they should also be blamed and action should be taken against them?

If I say something, I do not know how people will react. I request you to find the answer and convey to the public. I simply want to say that why should we be punished, that too from retrospective effect, for an approved proposal. If this happens, then the entire system will collapse.

What is the future for Sahara?

It was bright and will be so. The truth may face some setback, but it cannot be defeated.

SEBI has ordered freezing of assets and bank accounts of two of your companies, besides your own. How will you convince people about your group’s future?

No, no, no, no… They cannot do this legally as there is a direction from the Supreme Court. Do you know the purpose of my meeting with SEBI on Wednesday? A few days back, there was a hearing at the SAT. One of the judges there remarked that in his entire career as a legal professional, he had not heard or read that assets could be frozen without a show-cause notice or personal appearance. So, now SEBI has just completed a formality and that was reason for my meeting with them on Wednesday.

Have you given some thought to the plea before the Supreme Court for your arrest?

They are God, they can also hang me, so, why do you talk just about arrest. Had these things taken place before Independence, I would have been much happier. I would have felt happier to be hanged during those times.
