Banking, ATM services and cheque transactions in Tamil Nadu and neighbouring Puducherry were affected today as employee unions went on a one-day country-wide strike to press for wage revision.

About 10 lakh employees and officers of public sector banks, private sector banks and regional rural banks are participating in the strike, All India Bank Employees Association General Secretary C H Venkatachalam said.

In Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, about 60,000 employees are participating in the strike, he said.

All India Bank Employees’ Association, Bank Employees Federation of India, All India Bank Officers’ Association and National Union of Bank Employees are taking part in the strike. All India Trade Union Congress has also extended its support for the strike.

Referring to the failure of the two-rounds of talks with the Labour Commissioner, he said: “The bank unions’ demands are quite reasonable and workable. If the Indian Banks’ Association came with an improved offer, an amicable settlement can be reached.”

“The Indian Banks’ Association must shed its obstinacy. The Government must intervene. Otherwise United Forum of Bank Unions will be compelled to further intensify its agitation,” he said.