Bellary district's credit outlay at Rs 2,329.62 cr

Anil Urs Updated - April 18, 2011 at 10:00 PM.

“This year's district plan has been prepared keeping in mind the turmoil seen in the mining sector which has led to many banks under performing in certain key areas.”

The credit outlay for Bellary district has been fixed at Rs 2,329.62 crore for the financial year 2011-12, this is an increase of about 10 per cent, over previous year's (2010-11) credit outlay of Rs 2,015 crore.

This year's major emphasis is on for ground level credit flow to micro and small enterprises (MSE) and agricultural activities.

The district credit plan has been prepared by Lead District Office (Syndicate Bank) based on the input provided by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard).

According to Mr K S Dattathri, chief manager and lead district office, Syndicate Bank, “The potential for priority sector lending for the year 2011-12 has been assessed at Rs 2,340.53 crore and this year's district plan has been prepared keeping in mind the turmoil seen in the mining sector which has led to many banks under performing in certain key areas.”

Whereas, projections under non-farm sector and other priority sector has been assessed at Rs 340.92 crore and Rs 525.60 crore respectively.

“This has been done keeping in mind that the district is endowed with rich minerals both metallic and non-metallic,” said Mr Dattathri.

“This year, we are targeting micro and small enterprises (MSE) for they are the one which are servicing and driving mining sector in the district,” he added.

Also major emphasis is given on agricultural sector as the district is blessed with Tungabhadra River and is considered as rice and cotton bowl in the State.

In the district credit plan, the potential under crop loans has been assessed at Rs 936.39 crore, which of agriculture term loans is at Rs 537.61 crore.

Mr Dattathri said, “Availability of finance to agricultural sector is keeping in view the interest subvention schemes launched by both state and central governments.”

District Plan Highlights

Sector wise annual credit plan projections for 2011-12: Crop loan Rs 902.23 crore. Minor irrigation Rs 45.44 crore. Land development Rs 52.09 crore. Farm mechanisation Rs 77.77 crore.

Plantation and horticulture Rs 23.90 crore. Forestry wasteland development 3.40 crore. Dairy Rs 30.49 crore. Poultry Rs 38.09 crore. Sheep/Goat /Piggery Rs 5.76 crore. Fisheries Rs 9.67 crore. Storage godowns/Market yards Rs 80.24 crore.

Others (agriculture) Rs 161.20 crore. Term loans for agriculture and other allied sectors Rs 528.05 crore.

Total agriculture credit Rs 1,430.28 crore.

Non farm sector Rs 230.87 crore. Other priority sector Rs 437 crore. Non priority sector Rs 231.47 crore.

Published on April 18, 2011 16:30