Private sector Yes Bank was today forced to resort to paper ballots for appointment of three new directors on its board following dissent from one of the founding families.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Yes Bank was to approve appointment of Diwan Arun Nanda, Ravish Chopra and Srinivasan as wholetime directors by voice vote.

Three directors were sponsored by bank MD & CEO Rana Kapoor —— who holds 13.72 per cent stake in the bank —— but were opposed by Madhu Kapur, wife of late Ashok Kapur and co-founder of Yes Bank.

Madhu Kapur, who holds 12 per cent stake in the bank, wants a say in board appointments.

Shareholders attending the AGM said when the subject was taken up, Kapur opposed the move.

Following this, members were asked to cast paper ballots and results of the same will be known in 48 hours, they added.

An Yes Bank spokesperson refused to comment on the issue.

The events come a day after Bombay High Court turned down a petition filed by Madhu Kapur objecting to the holding of AGM on the ground that they had not been consulted before appointment of directors.

According to shareholders present at the meeting, Kapur expressed dissent against the appointment of the directors due to which the AGM held at the bank’s headquarters Nehru Centre, had to carry out the voting.

Ashok Kapur, who died in 26/11 terror attacks at the Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai, had co-founded the bank with his brother-in-law Rana Kapoor and Rabobank in 2004.