State Bank of India Chairperson Arundhati Bhattacharya today confirmed that the merger of associate banks with SBI itself is on track and remains unaffected by the demonetisation move.

“There is a separate team working on this and they are not into demonetisation exercise,” she told reporters in Coimbatore.

She conceded that the demonetisation exercise has impacted branch working. “But this has not impacted any other team working alongside. So the merger exercise is on track. We have to receive the Government approval, there are several steps along the way. Once approved, we will come together” she said, unwilling to commit on a timeline.

The SBI chief is in the city to take part in a leadership summit titled ‘Insight – The DNA of Success’ -- organised by Isha Leadership Academy, later today.

After a breakfast meeting with select customers early in the day, Bhattacharya reached the regional office of the bank here, planted the 10000th sapling at the SBI premises, and highlighted some of its CSR activities.