The All-India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC) has demanded that the Centre, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and bank managements immediately arrange to provide protection to staff following the demonetisation move.

Eknath Baliga, Joint General Secretary of AIBOC and President of Corporation Bank Officers’ Organisation, said the officers and employees don’t mind sacrificing their holidays for facilitating the changeover.

“It should be an eye-opener for bank managements, the Centre, and all those at the helm of affairs that banks are the pillars of the Indian economy and we are the soldiers guarding these pillars.

“We have made fervent appeal to all our members to ensure smooth transition despite all odds and challenges. We demand from the Centre, the RBI and bank managements to immediately arrange to provide sufficient currency, other infrastructure and protection to staff so that we can serve the countrymen in a better way,” he said.

Chaos all over

The only persons with whom the common man could express the anxiety and anger were hard-pressed bank officers and employees. The rush during last few days was so unmanageable that there was no place for them to even stand in the bank despite rearranged aesthetics as per the perceived requirement.

Though enthusiasm amongst the bankers is unparalleled, unpleasant information pouring in is matter of great worry.

He said branches are facing short supply of currency notes for exchange, despite tall claims by many. ATMs could not be realigned and could not restart in time. Bank branches and employees are subjected to public wrath.

Staff being heckled

Staff was made hostage in many branches during very late evenings by the people who could not be attended by then. Officers had to face questions and abuses from the common man for which there were no ready answers. Many bank branches were closed after midnight and staff rejoined after a couple of hours rest at their homes. Officers and employees are working from 10 am till after midnight.

Baliga said in a press release that bank employees and officers in particular have always been under stress in the process of implementation of government plans and projects.