Banking operations in West Bengal were affected on Thursday with a majority of branches and onsite ATMs downing shutters in support of the nation-wide strike protesting against the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill.

According to Nagendranath Bhattacharya, convenor of the United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), nearly 80 per cent of branches of commercial banks including private and foreign banks and onsite ATMs had shut their operations.

6,000 branches

West Bengal is estimated to have close to 6,000 bank branches employing 50,000-60,000 employees.

The strike has been called by Bank Employees’ Federation of India (BEFI), All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA) and All India Bank Officers’ Association (AIBOA).

UFBU has extended fraternal support to the one-day strike.

“Some banks – both in private and public sector – were open. However, a majority of them had shut operations in protest against the Government’s move which will eventually lead to privatisation,” Bhattacharya said.

All India Bank Employees Association, All India Bank Officers Confederation, National Confederation of Bank Employees, All India Bank Officers’ Association, Bank Employees Federation of India, India National Bank Employees Federation, Indian National Bank Officers Congress, National Organisation of Bank Workers and National Organisation of Bank Officers are part of the UFBU.
