Nearly five lakh bank employees stayed away from work, paralysing banking operations in many parts of the country.

However, employees of SBI Group (about 3 lakh) did not participate in the strike, but provided "fraternal support" to bank employees of other public sector banks, it is learnt.

SBI employees did not join the strike and the bank was not closed.

"Today's strike has been a total success. As per reports reaching us from other centres, the day-long strike has paralysed banking operations in all places," C.H.Venkatachalam, General-Secretary of the All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA), told Business Line here.

Cash transactions were affected, clearing operations were not held, forex transactions and money market transactions were affected, Venkatachalam said.

"ATM cash became dry in certain places," he said.

The main intent of the day-long strike was to draw the attention of people to the danger of banking reforms being pursued by the Government through the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill 2011, Venkatachalam said.

Even as most bank employees struck work, the Finance Minister P. Chidambaram moved the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill for consideration in Rajya Sabha today.
