Bengaluru witnessed the highest digital payment transactions in terms of volume at ₹14.82 million and value at ₹36.2 billion from January to October 2022, according to a report.

According to a report by Worldline India, festive season sales and a rise in consumption have helped Bengaluru take the top spot in digital payments transactions. The volume of the digital transaction across the top five cities was - Bengaluru- ₹14.82 mn, Hyderabad- ₹10.36 mn, Chennai- ₹9.76 mn, Mumbai- ₹9.24 mn and Pune- ₹7.86 mn.

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Digital payments worth ₹38.32 lakh crore carried out in Jul-Sep 2022 period: Worldline
Unique Payment Interface (UPI) based transactions dominated the segment both in terms of value and volume

“Today, both customers and sellers are being more receptive towards digital payments. The swift adoption of digital payments can be witnessed with each passing quarter. Popular payment instruments like UPI, cards, PPIs are already clocking over 23 billion transactions in a quarter. We are glad to share our analysis of our transactions processed for the top 5 cities in India with the highest digital transactions,” said Ramesh Narasimhan, Chief Executive Officer, India, Worldline.  

The report also showed that the period also saw frequently visited physical merchant categories like grocery stores, restaurants, clothing and apparel, pharmacy and medical, hotels, jewellry retail, speciality retail, household appliances, and departmental stores,while inthe online space category wise, e-commerce (shopping for goods and services), gaming, utility, and financial services together accounted for over 86 per cent in terms of volume.