Following the nationwide strike call given by the All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA) and the All India Bank Officers’ Association (AIBOA) on December 27 seeking wage revision in IDBI Bank, the Chief Labour Commissioner has called for a conciliation meeting with the unions on December 20.

CH Venkatachalam, AIBEA General Secretary, told BusinessLine that the wage revision for employees and officers of IDBI Bank is due since the last five years. He said AIBEA and AIBOA had called for a strike on December 27 demanding wage revision in IDBI Bank. Wage revision, he said, was over in all public sector banks, regional rural banks, Reserve Bank of India, Life Insurance Corporation, and General Insurance Corporation.

There has been no wage revision for five years and now, he said, the management is telling that the bank’s non-performing assets (NPAs) are huge. “It is not our problem. We can become considerate in demanding. But you cannot deny wage revision,” he said.

Now the Chief Labour Commissioner of the Labour Ministry has called for conciliation talks on December 20. The unions will be participating in the meeting and exploring the possibility of an amicable settlement, he said.

“If IDBI Bank management can come forward for a reasonable and amicable settlement, AIBEA is willing to work (for it). If they are adamant, the strike will take place as scheduled,” he said.