Officers and employees of IDBI Bank will revive an agitation programme under the banner of United Forum of IDBI Officers and Employees to protest the ‘unreasonable delay’ in the settlement of long-pending issue of wage revision.

Following a ‘black day’ on May 10, office-bearers of the constituent unions of the United Forum have proposed to stage a four-day dharna from Wednesday to Saturday in front of the IDBI Tower premises at the Corporate Office, Mumbai.

Participation of general members in the dharna is voluntary. Officer members have already proceeded on a work to rule from May 10, union leaders said.

They have been directed to strictly follow office timings and withdraw from extra efforts being put in for life insurance, general insurance and mutual fund businesses.

Further course of action, including sustained strike action, would decided upon by the United Forum during the course of the dharna programme.

Wage revision in IDBI Bank, a government-owned bank, is due from November 1, 2012. Employees and officers are not party to the industry level wage settlement between Indian Banks’ Association and United Forum of Bank Unions.

Twitter campaign

Repeated attempts mounted by All India IDBI Officers Association (AIIDBIOA) and All India IDB Employees Association (AIIDBEA) since July 2016 have proved futile.

Hence, the decision to resume the agitational path, said Ratnakar Wankhade, General Secretary, AIIDBEA, and Vithal Koteswara Rao, General Secretary, AIIDBIOA, both joint convenors of the United Forum.

The union leaders received good response from members to the request to observe the ‘black day.’ The agitation programme is being tweeted under two hastags, #WageRevisionIDBI2012 and #RecoverCorporateNPAs.

The wage revision continues to remain unresolved despite AIIDBIOA and AIIDBEA having given ‘sufficient time’ to the bank management to settle it amicably.