IndiaFirst Life Insurance has launched its IndiaFirst Cash Back Plan to help its customers enjoy long-term investment benefits after paying for a limited period.

“With the IndiaFirst Cash Back Plan, customers can start investing with Rs 522 a month …The customer will reap the benefits in regular intervals and hence one can plan for their personal goals like home, marriage, child’s education, personal expenses and retirement & healthcare expenses etc., with the help of the IndiaFirst Cash Back Plan, the company said in a statement.

R M Vishakha, Managing Director and CEO, IndiaFirst Life Insurance, said, “Small or big – we all have goals in life; to go somewhere, to become somebody, to achieve something. These goals depend on multiple factors like our age, family responsibilities, income and aspirations at different stages of our life. A cash back plan helps you achieve these aspirations across various milestones in your life while protecting your family all the way.”