An internal panel constituted by State Bank of India to probe allegations of bribery against its deputy managing director Shyamal Acharya has not submitted its report by the deadline, a senior bank official said today.

“The report has not been submitted to the Department of Financial Services by the week-end as it was supposed to be done,” a senior official said, seeking anonymity.

DFS Secretary Rajiv Takru had last week said the report would be submitted by the weekend, and Government, the majority shareholder, will decide the course of action only after that.

But the official said here that both the managing directors were travelling during the week, which delayed the submission of report.

As per the bank sources, senior-most MDs — A. Krishna kumar and Hemant Contractor — are part of the committee.

On November 24, Economic Offences wing of CBI registered a case against Acharya, who then headed the mid-corporate group at SBI, after raiding his house in the city following a tip off.

A case was also registered against former SBI official K.K. Kumarah, and chairman of Delhi-based firm Worlds Window, Piyoosh Goyal.

Acharya is alleged to have asked for a bribe of Rs 15 lakh to clear Rs 400 crore loan proposal of Goyal’s firm.

According to the CBI, he was given two luxury watches as the first instalment. It has also been reported that assets which may be disproportionate to Acharya’s income sources were found during the search of his house.