Karnataka Bank Ltd will focus on taking its digital banking initiatives further, according to P Jayarama Bhat, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the bank.

Speaking at the regional heads’ review conference in Mangaluru on Monday, he said that digital banking is the key to successful banking. The Unified Payment Interface (UPI), which the bank is in the process of launching, will support customer acquisition and customer retention activities, he said.

The bank -- which is focusing on quality credit, top-class customer service, proactive digital banking initiatives, best employee practices, highest standard of corporate governance -- is poised to emerge stronger in the days to come, he said.

Efficient recovery measures adopted by the bank supported by a modest growth under core business areas made it possible for it to post decent financial results during the first quarter of 2016-17, in a scenario of rising NPAs across the banking industry, he said.

Mahabaleshwara MS, Chief General Manager of the bank, spoke about the bank’s achievements during first quarter of the current fiscal amidst uncertainties in the global and domestic markets.

A press release said here that all the 12 regional heads from across the country, and other senior executives participated in the conference.